[meerkapp] User Personas

Following our UX research process for MeerkApp process, we are going to build our Users Personas according to the results obtained on our research (you can take a look here to know what it’s about)

In this post, we are going to take a look at different kinds of possible users and we are going to build the profile of two of them ?‍?that are more significant to our project.

In this resume, you’ll see some different contexts where the users must face these situations (feeling afraid about coming back home) ?.


The first case is Elena. She is 19 years old and is from Rio de Janeiro,?? Brasil. She studies Biology and is in the second year of her studies. Usually, she returns very late at night after University. She used to take a bus every night and call her parents before. ?

Sometimes she forgot to call them and they kept worried. Those times her mother used to claim her for forgetting.

The bus left her 3 blocks to her house. His neighborhood is not the most secure of Rio and sometimes something happens. Stranger things.

A month ago a boy of 13–15 years tried to rob her but she was aware and ran avoiding it. ?

She said, “I always let my mother know where I am, when I go out, when I am arriving and when I am returning.”

We also create an empathy map canvas to identify what she hears, says, sees, and thinks and we discover that she wants to finish her studies in order to get a nice job and reach financial independence to leave her house and live alone.

She doesn’t fit with the place where she lives. She worries about nature ? and consumption ♻️. She says that humanity is one and that the country’s boundaries are not necessary.

She regrets not having all the resources she wishes and she wishes to change her present.


Our second more significant user is Naomi. She is an excellent mother ❤️. She dedicates all her life to her daughters. She lives in Rosario, ?? Argentina. It was a nice city but this year it turned very dangerous because of the drug dealers.

Naomi used to work all day long and always is looking forward to her family.

She wishes to feel more secure about her daughter coming back home. She regrets the country’s situation and says that this part of the neighborhood where they live is not so quiet.

She thinks that the violence in the street is growing. She used to talk about that with her neighbors and sisters.

It’s influenced by the news on TV ? and radio of course but she is convinced that the world has a real problem and it’s political.

From young she was a kind of hippie and nowadays she used to practice yoga. ??‍♀️

She regrets not being able to send daughters to a better college because she wishes the best for them.

Some insights

Finally, to conclude, we can have an approach of two different kinds of users. A young user is very concerned about her future and a mother is worried about the present. ?

Before the research, we thought that younger users could be the most interested in new solutions because they are the ones that are at risk.

After the results, we realize that the most interested user could be the mother because she doesn’t have information about her daughter and she would appreciate it a lot. They request this kind of information more than the youngsters.

The youngsters were most interested in other kinds of solutions such as blocking their phones and sharing extra information as we can see in the results.

After this empathy map, we translate the information to a ?? value proposition canvas and we conclude that:

??‍♀️ Experience

  • The user downloads the app and logs in.
  • The user configures a place setting its position and the time gap when it is supposed he or she is leaving that position.
  • Users select whom to share info and what kind of information will share, such as leaving the perimeter, sharing position on a map, and entering the arriving position.
  • Once the app is set it is closed.
  • When the user leaves the position during this present time the app automatically will notify his/her selected users that he/she is on the way, where is at this moment and when is arriving.
  • The other user could call her telling something, advising, or another action as going to the bus stop to wait for him/her to return home walking together.

? Benefits

  • Better communication between the users.
  • Don’t bring a claim to forget.
  • Could take another action.
  • Could prevent a bad moment.
  • Feeling more secure.

✍? Features

  • Setting options
  • Sharing position on a map
  • Notify users automatically
  • Manual notifications
  • Creating groups
  • Attach a message

To continue you can take a look at the first sketches of this project to have an idea of how this tool could be seen.

Also if you didn’t take a look at the results obtained from the research you can read them here.

360-Degree UX/UI Designer

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